--Features the latest news about Super Junior. The latest blog update and the latest advertisment by us.
--Features the latest achievement of the site and the information about the site and admins.The latest news about the admins
--Features information about our uri-Super Junior. Sub-groups and detailed information about them is here.
--Features information of a single member.
--Features different ELFs Need like Super Junior background,GIFs and others made by the admins and other sites.
--Where you can see the project and contest that other ELFs should join,its actually made by admins.
--Where you can see our affiliates or the one who helps us in our site,it can be for updating news or for fixing things in our site.
--The part of the site that is only available for the admins,it has password that enables the admin to open that part.
RULES and REGULATIONS (for the site viewers)
The following strict rules are applied to Super Junior ELFS(superjuniorheartself.blogspot.com).Also remember that all blog sections has its own specific rules.
If there is big violation that happened or issues, the Moderators are the one who will take action and the members are not included in taking action to it. The member who did that issue will be immediately removed in the site.
If you want to speak for your side, contact the Founder on our email address (clicksuperjunior@gmail.com) which the Founder only can see, the Moderators who are involved will be addressed too. Your proof is also needed.
Questions? Contact the Founder (imsodeadinlovesj@gmail.com)
1. NO! Bad Words in any languages
Profanity means a bad language or insulting language. When replying to a post always watch your words so it cannot insult other person especially SJ.
-No NAME CALLING!Of course..like piggy.
2. NO! Bashing/Offending of other persons-No disrespecting,Super Junior, superjuniorheartself staffs/viewers, other artists, and/or other fanclubs should not be disrespect; they are also persons who also live in the Kpop World. Even we have different countries; we should respect everybody, because we are like a family (ELFs). No name calling even your kidding. This fanbase is not made for haters, SJ Haters or other… Utter nice words, be careful in saying something. If you disagree with others, don’t speak to them in public like Replying to their post in a rudely way, everyone has its own opinion. Be careful and think before you speak.
3. NO! Mature things please-It is not only for older ELFs but also for younger ELFs. Always think that there our site is open for any age,young or old. But there is a part of a blog where you can see the Fictions Area - where we get news from different sites which we have a permission to get that.
4.NO! Conversations through replies-if you want to communicate with a site viewer,you can ask the admin(iamsodeadinlovesj@gmail.com)to do ask that person about his/her information or you can talk with that site viewer using other websites.Debates are not allowed.
5.Don't show off or be too proud! If you had an experience with Super Junior or any Kpop Artists don't be too proud to show of here.
7.NO!!! Attacking Super Junior's fandom
8.ONLY SUPER JUNIOR-superjuniorheartself is a site for Super Junior and anything related to them. We ask you to stop talking about other Kpop Artists/Person.
9.NO ADVERTISEMENTS-Advertising isn't tolerated in topics.
10.Do not ask for donations or money for any cause. If there is a project started by other E.L.F.please contact iamsodeadinlovesj@gmail.com and it. If your permitted,a certain admin will post it and share it to other fanbase.
2.Crediting (OUT)-credit the copied news as superjuniorheartself.blogspot.com or superjuniorheartself.com,not superjuniorheartself. Always include the author of that post.Like : CREDITS TO: ICY @ superjuniorheartself.com
Thank You for taking time reading ..Enjoy your visitation!
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